Black History Month се отбелязва в САЩ всяка година през февруари с цел да отдаде заслуженото на хора и събития в историята на афроамериканската общност в страната. Тази година ще го отбележим в София заедно с двама активисти и организатори на общности от Минеаполис. Гостите ни Майк Грифин и Антъни Шийлдс ще направят преглед на движението за аболюционизъм, движението за граждански права и актуалното към днешна дата движение Black Lives Matter. Представянето им ще бъде последвано от дискусия. Събитието ще бъде на английски език.
Thursday, 18 Feb 2016, 18:30 NGO House, 3 Hristo Belchev Str.
Black History Month is observed annually in the United States in February and gives respect to people and events important to the African-American community in the history of the country. This year we will observe it in Sofia together with two community organizers from Minneapolis. Our guests Mike Griffin and Anthony Shields will review the abolitionism movement, the civil rights movement and the recent Black Lives Matter movement. The event will be in English.
Mike Griffin has been an organizer in Minneapolis for over 10 years. He started his organizing career as a Field Organizer for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign in 2007 through 2008. Later he was organizing around healthcare reform, election reform and marriage equality. He is currently the Field Director for Neighborhoods Organizing for change.
Anthony Shields served as President of “In the Mix”, a student group focused on interracial relationships and the bi-racial experience from 2010 to 2012. He served on the Student Board for a program to increase the matriculation and retention rates of low-income and students of color in college. In 2013, Mr. Shields received the Multicultural Recognition Award from the College of Education and Human Development for his leadership on social issues.